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Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga for All with Jules Millward takes place on Mondays from 9:30 to 11:00am and costs £7.50 per session.

Hi I’m Jules and I teach the Hatha Yoga for All class at the Village Hall. I’ve been practising yoga for over 25 years and really love the strength, flexibility and balance it brings – not just in classes, but in everyday life too. I began training to teach yoga with a British Wheel of Yoga foundation course, and eventually completed my full teaching diploma with FRYOG (Friends of Yoga) after moving to Matlock in 2016. I have also completed further training courses in Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga (with YogaSynergy), and supporting pregnant and post-natal students (with YogaCampus).

Everyone is welcome, whatever your level of fitness, level of experience and age is absolutely no barrier. You don’t have to be able to touch your toes or to be able to bend yourself like a pretzel to start – in fact saying you’re not flexible enough to do yoga is a bit like saying you’re too dirty to have a bath! Yoga is never competitive – each person works at their own level and pace; yoga is adaptable for each unique body.

Classes usually start with a warm-up and limbering in preparation for a variety of yoga postures (asana), and there’s usually a quiet moment early on to ensure we’re all grounded, centred, and fully prepared for the practice; breathing exercises (pranayama) are often incorporated here. Most of the session comprises a planned – usually themed – series of poses designed to gradually build up greater strength, balance, and flexibility, and there are often a few techniques included to ease and strengthen the lower back. Most people find their attention naturally moves inward as they practise, so the guided relaxation towards the end of the session seems a logical progression after the physical practice. Some people are content to simply enjoy the relaxation, while for others it is a more mindful meditative time. How you approach the class, and what you take from it is entirely up to you; you participate at your own pace, and progress at your own rate. It’s your time.

Feel free to come along to a class any Monday to try it out – it runs on a drop-in basis, so there’s no obligation.

If you have any questions, please contact Jules: 07413 056343 or email:

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