St Katherine’s Church, Church Lane, Rowsley
Vicar of St Katherine’s: Rev. Canon Tony Kaunhoven, The Vicarage, South Church Street, Bakewell, DE45 1FD E: T: 01629 814462.
Churchwarden: Mrs. Mary Pope: 01629 733944
Village Magazine:Written contributions and advertisement requests for the Magazine to the editor, Annemarie Fell, Cambrian House, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, DE4 2EH by 20th of the month please. T: 01629 734181 or email:
Visits at home, Holy Communion at home, Memorials in the Churchyard: Please contact the Church Warden (telephone number above) who will make arrangements with a member of the Clergy.
New Burials: The new burial ground is the responsibility of Rowsley Parish Council. Please contact the clerk Sian Bacon on: 07545 704384 or by email: